Senior Care News

Caregiver Easton OH - Relaxation Techniques to Manage Caregiver Depression

Relaxation Techniques to Manage Caregiver Depression

Caregiver Easton OH-Being a caregiver can be very stressful. Sometimes being a caregiver causes people to ignore their own health and give up things they enjoy. As a result, 40 to 70 percent of caregivers experience depression. One of the things that doctors may suggest during recovery from depression is the use of relaxation techniques.

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Home Health Care Nazareth PA - Star Multi Care Employees Donate to Hurricane Relief Fund

Star Multi Care Employees Donate to Hurricane Relief Fund

Home Health Care Nazareth PA-“Let’s help them”, said the President and CEO of Star Multi Care”. Last week after notorious Hurricane Irma bypassed his Southeastern Florida office and took route up the west coast of Florida, Stephen Sternbach thought of the unlucky residents of Florida who were unfortunate enough to feel her wrath.

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Homecare Catasauqua PA - How Can You Plan Ahead for a Senior Who Has Incontinence?

How Can You Plan Ahead for a Senior Who Has Incontinence?

Homecare Catasauqua PA-You and your aging adult might fear that incontinence is enough to keep her close to home rather than being out and about as much as she might like. The reality of the situation is that if you’re prepared, your elderly family member can easily enjoy going anywhere.

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August is National Eye Exam Month

Caregivers in Allentown PA: August brings National Eye Exam Month—a wonderful reminder about the importance of scheduling yearly comprehensive eye exams for your parent and exams every two years for yourself. As a family caregiver, helping your parent stay up on yearly exams and acting as their medical advocate is probably one of your most important roles. At the same time, it’s easy to become so engrossed in caring for your parent that you forget to care for yourself.

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Can You Recognize the Severity of a Burn?

Home Care in Schnecksville PA: In your role as a family caregiver it is critical that you recognize the risks that your aging parent is facing or the health challenges that they might encounter so that you are able to promptly and effectively give them the care that they need to overcome these challenges. Some of these are more expected and straightforward, such as a cold, but there are others that are more sudden and unexpected. One such issue is a burn.

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Helping Your Parents Find the Right Doctor

Caregivers in Whitehall PA: When you were a child, your parent probably took you to see a pediatrician for check-ups, vaccinations, and when you were ill. Pediatricians specialize in medicine as it relates to children and also have experience in working with children and their parents. Now that your parent is older, have you thought about whether their regular primary care physician is still the right doctor for them?

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Quick Lunchtime Options for National Fruit and Veggies Month

Senior Care in Northampton PA: June is National Fruit and Veggies Month, the ideal opportunity for you as a family caregiver to help your elderly loved one integrate more of these healthy options into their regular diet. For some seniors, eating a wider variety of fruits and vegetables can seem intimidating, especially if they are not accustomed to these foods.

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Central Star Home Health Services in Mansfield Ohio is pleased to report the birth of Kashton Paul Banks. Kaston arrived on the morning of April 10th, 2017 at Avita Health Systems-Galion. He was a healthy 6 pounds, 6 ounces and was 18 ¾ inches long. Kashton is the son of Elaina Banks who has worked as the Human Resources/Payroll Coordinator at Central Star for over two years.

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